Integrative Man - 6 Week Group Coaching & Mentorship - Offered quarterly

Integrative Man - 6 Week Group Coaching & Mentorship - Offered quarterly


There is simply no greater gift to your evolution than being around other men committed to their health, purpose, and self-awareness.

The connections, practices and experiences that you receive in John’s Integrative Man 6-Week Group Coaching Circle are game-changers. Working systematically with other men and with support from Jon will serve as a powerful catalyst to see blind spots and create powerful, positive actions in your life.

Here is your invitation to step up and receive meaningful and immediate feedback from Jon and conscious men who are eager to be healthy and aligned with their purpose, and who are, at the same time, committed to the fulfillment of yours. 

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What to expect: 

  • You Will Learn to Develop the Traits of an Embodied Integrative Man Through Lifestyle, Nutrition, and Health
  • You Will Learn to Develop Skills to Transform Your Relationship with Feminine
  • You Will Expand Your Capacity and Clarity to Bring Your Life's Purpose to Reality

The 6-week program includes: 

  • 2 Step-by-Step Coaching Sessions with Jon Straub on Into How to Create a Daily Practice For Success
  • 6 Live Group Workshops in NYC, weekly to Assist in Accountability and Strategy
  • Unlimited Email Access to Jon Straub for the duration of the program


“Choose men friends who themselves are living at their edge, facing their fears and living just beyond them. Men of this kind can love you without protecting you from the necessary confrontation with reality that your life involves. You should be willing to trust these men will tell you about your life as they see it, offer you a specific action which will shed light on your own position, and give you the support necessary to live in the freedom just beyond your edge, which is not always, or even usually easy.”